PAGAN CROSS>photo, selfportrait not published in any book
The term Paganism has historically been used by adherents of monotheistic religions (such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam) to indicate a person who doesn't believe in their religion, often used in a pejorative sense of an unbaptized savage or someone too rustic to embrace Christianity. Sometimes it is also used to mean the lack of (an accepted monotheistic) religion. Neopaganism is a heterogeneous group of religions which attempt to revive ancient beliefs, mostly associated with the pre-Christian religions of northwestern Europe.
Different shapes of cross:
heaven as the ultimate abode or state of
the righteous
the place or state of happiness
enjoyed by Adam before the first sin; the Garden of Eden
any place or condition that fulfils
all one's desires or aspirations
> The Collins English Dictionary
A large property in the Dart
Valley near town of Glenorchy, New Zealand turned into an Eco-Tourism
Center. Servred as set for Lothlorien in FOTR movie >
also called Pesah, is a Jewish festival
that celebrates the flight of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery,
probably in the 1200's B.C. The story of Passover is told in
the Bible in Chapter 12 of the Book of Exodus. Passover begins
in March or April, on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan.
also means: transfer, transit,
Isaac "Hanging Judge" Parker
(1838-1896) Lawyer, congress representative, judge for the
Western District of Arkansas ruling over the Indian Territory
During the 21 years Isaac Parker was responsible for the law
and order in this part of the United States and sentenced 168
men and four women to death. Isaac Parker died on his post, in
a heartattack in 1896.
> Western Legends
> History Buff
> Wikipedia
> Judge Parker's Hangings
Another Judge John J. Parker (18851958)
served as an alternate judge on the International Allied Military
Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany > Wikipedia
(about 389-461) - the patron saint of Ireland.
Saint Patrick was a missionary to Ireland in the A.D. 400's who
converted the Irish to Christianity. Day is celebrated on March
17th, the feast day of Saint Patrick, a national holiday in Ireland.
> source: IBM World Book Multimedial Enyclopedia
Sir Percivale (Perceval, Percival)
is the Grail knight or one of the Grail knights in numerous medieval
and modern stories of the Grail quest. The legend of Perceval
began with Chretien de Troyes' medieval romance written around
Percivale was raised by his mother in ignorance of arms and courtesy. Percivale's natural prowess, however, led him to Arthur's court where he immediately set off in pursuit of a knight who had offended Guinevere. > wikipedia
The periodic table lists the chemical elements
in rows, called periods, in order of increasing atomic number.
Elements that have similar properties lie in vertical columns
called groups. The table also lists atomic mass numbers, atomic
weights, and numbers of electrons in electron shells; and indicates
major classes of elements.
> source: IBM World Book Multimedial Enyclopedia
more about the photo: Periodic Table
Means Thank You in Lakota
language > "Thank
you" in many languages
means: I prefer to make mistakes my way
or I prefer to make my own mistakes in Spanish. (Thanks,
Pukerua in Maori means "two hills".
A settlement in between the two hills near Wellington, New Zealand.
Birthplace of Peter Jackson. > wikipedia
town and county in Viginia, USA > |
county and place in Arkansas, USA >
city in Tennessee, USA >
Fort Pulaski -- National Monument and Park in Georgia, USA. > Homepage | The
Capture of Fort Pulaski
Casimir Pulaski (actually: Kazimierz
Pulawski) pronounced pu LAS kee, KAZ uh mir (1747?-1779),
born in the province of Podolia, Poland, now part of Ukraine
-- a Polish nobleman and soldier, won fame for his role with
the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War in America (1775-1783).
Before coming to America, Pulaski
led an unsuccessful revolt of Polish forces against Russia, which
controlled Poland at that time. He learned of the American cause
in France from Benjamin Franklin, who encouraged him to travel
to America.> IBM World Book Multimedial Enyclopedia > biography | another
biography note
R |
Arabic male name
means remains of a shipwreck
in Spanish
(pop 113,387) located in southwest Iceland
by Faxaflói bay, capital of Iceland, its largest city
and the world's northernmost capital. Its latitude being 6408'
N, not far from the Arctic Circle (at 6633' N), it receives only
four hours of sunlight per day in the depth of winter, and in
the summer the nights are almost as bright as day. ReykjavÌk
is believed to have been established by Ingólfur Arnarson
around the year 870 AD; this is described in Landnámabók,
or the Book of Settlement. Steam from hot springs in the region
is supposed to have inspired Reykjavík's name, as Reykjavík
translates to Bay of Smokes. > | | Visit ReykjavÌk | Virtual Island | Homepage
The City is probably best known as the place where the summit between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev took place in 1986. > Ron and Mikhail's Excellent Adventure | Reykjavík summit
... and surely less known as a seat of probably the only Phallological Museum in the world. ;-) > Museum's Homepage
German painter, born in 1932 >
a kingdom in Tolkien's Middlearth, horse
land from the Sindarin roch meaning horse and
the ending -and denoting a country or region. >The Thain's Book
- Guide to Tolkien
Male first name meaning Sandalwood in
Hindi >
Family name meaning: in French -- habitational
name from a place in Morbihan, in Brittany or Deux-Sèvres;
in Irish Gaelic -- reduced Anglicized form of Ruadhán,
a diminutive of Ruadh, a name which means Red.
> Edgar's
Name Pages
Capital of Italy and one of the world's
great historic cities, an important center of civilization for
over 2,000 years. According to a legend founded by twin brothers
ROMULUS AND REMUS. in 753 B.C. Rome was the supreme power of
Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia. Ancient Rome's influence
can still be seen today in such fields as architecture, government,
language, and law. As the home of the popes, Rome also became
the center of the Roman Catholic Church.
Rome lies on both banks of the Tiber River in central Italy, 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The city is on about 20 hills, but its outskirts have some wide stretches of flat ground. These hills include the famous seven hills on which ancient Rome was built--the Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal hills.
Vatican City, the administrative and spiritual center of the Roman Catholic Church, lies in northwestern Rome. The Vatican, as it is sometimes called, is the smallest independent country in the world. It covers only 109 acres (44 hectares), or about 1/6 square mile (0.4 square kilometer). See VATICAN CITY.
Rome is also one of the world's most important art centers. Actors, musicians, painters, sculptors, and writers take part in the city's busy cultural life. > source: IBM World Book Multimedial Enyclopedia >
City in New York , USA (pop. 44,350), a
historic city in the central part of the state. With Utica, Rome
forms part of a metropolitan area of 316,633 people. The city
was originally named Lynchville, was renamed Rome in 1819. Some
people believe that the Stars and Stripes flew there for the
first time in battle in 1777, during the Battle of Oriskany in
the Revolutionary War in America
> source: IBM World Book Multimedial Enyclopedia.
City in Texas , USA >
S |
Actress (1937 - 1992), The Indian Runner (1991) was her last movie, she died of ovary cancer. > |
(pop. 135,186), is the second largest city
in El Salvador. > source: IBM World Book Multimedial Enyclopedia
City in California, Ca., largest city in
Orange County by population. >
Pueblo of Santa Ana -- a Native American
tribe with reservation lands that include a strip of New Mexico's
fertile Rio Grande valley >
Name of the ship that brought Columbus to
America (1492)
Popular name of villages, towns, and othre
places in Spanish speking countries. Too much to list.
City in California > |
Saxony -- an area in eastern Germany,
with the capitol city of Dresden.> >
more about photos:
Actress (1938 - 1979) born in Marshalltown,
Iowa, USA, spent an important part of her career in France.
In 1960s she supported the NAACP as well as left wing political groups in the United States such as the Black Panther Party. Her political engagement she became victim of medial and political harrasment. When she had a miscarriage, newspapers spread a rumor created by FBI, that the child was black -- fathered by an Black Panthers activist. Jean Seberg insisted on burying the dead baby in a glass coffin. After that she suffered from depressions and finally attempted suicide. > | |
means "in good order", "trim"
Along with Shoe Trees -- an unusual
method to get rid of old shoes. Seem to be pretty popular in
but the fence on the photograph is in New Zealand, near the Burke's
Pass in South Canterbury. "Over 1000 ( well 1182 at last
count ) shoes, sandals, ski boots, gumboots and flippers are
strung along a good old 8 strand fence. It all started so they
say when a pair of moccasins were left for a shearer as he had
left his behind." Unfortunately, according to PEDALLERS' PARADISE Guide Book, the fence was removed 2001. > |
Sign language is a language of gestures
and hand symbols used by deaf and hearing-impaired people. People
with normal hearing also use it to communicate with deaf and
hearing-impaired people. American Sign Language (ASL) is based
on ideas rather than words. Each gesture expresses a particular
idea or concept.
> source: IBM World Book Multimedial Enyclopedia
means silence in Spanish. See Tango Silencio
Gimli the Dwarf, a character in LOTR
> Thain's
Book - Guide to Tolkien
Gloin, or Glói, is
one of the dwarves named in the Old Norse poem Voluspa.
His name means glow. > Thain's
Book - Guide to Tolkien
Possible allusion to T.S. Eliot's poem Burnt
Also an often used term in Zen philosophy, Buddhism, New Age, etc. > |
Often used name for hotels, restaurants, Zen schools, meditation centres >
Location of Stone Street Studios
in Wellington at Miramar near Oriental Bay. Most of the sets
in LOTR movies were built there.
Retiro is a name of a
park in Madrid, so the title probably means Dream of Retiro
... but retiro also means to remove,
move away, to withdraw, to take away, to retreat(!) in Spanish.
Is this a reference to Retreat photos?
Means "the horse is good" in Lakota
language. Sunkawakan = horse (literally: sunka = dog;
wakan = great/big/mysterious) and waste = good