small city or village in Morokko,
one of the Hidalgo
movie locations > www.rosemarysheel.com
> www.raingod.com Fotos looking familiar :)
also mentined here: www.poublan.org
more about photo Tamdacht 11
A tango written by Carlos Gardel,
Alfredo Le Pera and Horacio Pettorossi in 1932, sung by Viggo
a capella at the poetry reading in Odense.
Silencio in Spanish means "Silence". >
and translation > notes from a source I cannot
Lakota name of Crazy Horse
(1844?-1877), an Oglala Sioux Indian chief. In 1875, the
United States government ordered Crazy Horse and other Sioux
to enter a reservation. They refused. In 1876, Crazy Horse led
the Sioux and Cheyenne, who defeated General George Crook in
the Battle of the Rosebud in Montana. Eight days later, he led
the Indians in the Battle of the Little Bighorn, where Lieutenant
Colonel George A. Custer and his command were wiped out.
As a boy, Crazy Horse was named Curly. After his first great war deed, his father, who was himself named Crazy Horse, gave his name to the boy. Crazy Horse had light skin and hair. He had a quiet manner. He had unusual spiritual powers. The Sioux called him their Strange One.
In 1877, Crazy Horse voluntarily surrendered to American troops. Crazy Horse was killed in 1877 at Fort Robinson, Nebr., by a soldier while the chief was being forced into a jail cell. A gigantic figure of Crazy Horse is being sculptured out of a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota. > IBM World Book Multimedial Enyclopedia > www.1851treaty.com
tasunka = horse
witko = wicked, unconventional
witko tko ke = crazy
> www.tanka-iha.nl | www.home.earthlink.net | www.nativeweb.org
Lake Taupo -- a district in the middle
of New Zealand's North Island. Served for set of Mordor and Emyn
Muil in LOTR movies > www.laketauponz.com | www.vnz.co.nz
A lake in New Zealand, the biggest on the South Isle. Its surroundings served as the set of Dead Marshes in LOTR movie. > www.new-zealand.com
more about photos: Te Anau, Te Anau 2 Te Anau 3
A nickname of RH Tecontender,
a small (14 Hands 2) sorrel overo Paint Horse stallion, born
1993, the main one of five horses playing the title "character"
in the movie Hidalgo.
A very remarkable horse, with great intelligence, good nerves
and uncommon "acting" skills. Viggo developed a deep
bond with him and purchased him after the shooting was finished.
> Hidalgo Movie Brings History to the Screen by
Debra Bokur
> Mortensen
is Proud Paint Horse Owner from www.equisearch.com
> The same story from APHA
homepage with more
> TJ
at the Paint Horse Show from APHA homepage
> IGN Inteviews: Viggo Mortensen
> A
short note at NY Post
> T.J.'s pedigree etc.
> TJ's public apprearances at Breyerfest
in Lexington, KY with some pictures
Toksa (Ake) a Lakota goodby meaning
"until next time" > www.malakota.com
toksa = later (see/talk to you)
ake = again > www.nativeweb.org
A a canyon nort-west from Los Angeles, running
from the San Fernando Valley, through the Santa Monica mountains,
to the beach in Malibu, also a nationonal park and a settlement(?)
in this area. According to some sources Viggo lived somewhere
there. > www.topangaonline.com
Also a City in California near Fresno (south-east
of San Francisco)
In Shoshonean the name means: above (place)
or heaven/sky.
more about photos: Topanga 7
City in New Zealand at the north
end of Taupo lake.
U |
In ancient Egypt serpent, or
serpent's head and neck, represented on the front of the headdresses
of divinities and sovereigns as an emblem of supreme power. >
The warmblood stallion, a former
FEI dressage horse that played Aragorn's horse Brego in LOTR.
He had problems on the set at the beginning, but thanks to
trainer's and Viggo's patience and work he adapted very good
at the end. The bond between the horse and the actor grew so
strong that Viggo bought Uraeus after the shooting was done.
Apparently he is still in New Zealand, together with Kenny, a
second horse purchased by Viggo.
from an
interview at Cinema Voice
(...) one of the reasons I had such a strong connection with the horse beyond the fact that in the story Aragorn has a connection with this horse, [was that he] came to this production was similar to the way I came to it: at the very last minute and without much preparation. (..) And so just a couple of days before we had to shoot his first scene, which was a battle scene at Helm's Deep, we got a new horse. I didn't know him and he didn't know me and he had never been on a movie set before. And all of a sudden he's faced with cameras and lights and people with swords and shields and lots of shouting, and it was very unpleasant for him. He became very angry and was kicking and had a very bad day. I mean, we got what we needed in the scene but I felt bad for him, and it was frustrating for me, too, you know, you always want to do your best and I felt bad that I couldn't and that the horse couldn't. I mean, we did [okay] in the end, but it was very difficult. And so it was like for another couple of days and then slowly, by just being patient with him, and him in the end being patient with us, he got comfortable. And by the end, he was really good at it and he had a good feeling, I sensed, for the camera and was flexible and tried things.
From: Holding
on to Aragorn, LOTR Fan Club Magazine February 2004
(...) Brego, from The Lord of the Rings, is pretty strong-willed and very intelligent and physically strong and big. He is an imposing animal. He was also a last-minute replacement for another horse that was meant to be mine, and I only got to know him a day or two before we had to shoot for a scene. He had never been on a movie set, nor had he any experience of being around movie cameras, Orcs beating their shields, swords, and a bunch of other horses. It was not a good idea to start him with that. All of the other horses had been familiar with all of these sounds and objects that they would be dealing with on set, and he wasn't. So, he was just kicking and bucking and didn't want to have any part of it. That was a tough first day, and it was tough for a little while. It was a gradual process earning his trust. I suppose that made for a stronger friendship in the end because it wasn't that easy. When he finally got to where he trusted me, it was really rewarding. He doesn't trust everyone, and if he doesn't trust you, he won't do much for you. I consider him a good friend and another member of the cast that I got to be close with. He had good days and bad days just like we all do. > About horses in LOTR at tolkienonline.com and at horsecity.com | Short note about Uraeus' daughter
V |
city in California, USA, about 60 miles
north of Los Angeles
luck in Spanish and Italian, happines in Portugese
> www.ventura-usa.com
Sigurd the Volsung, the hero of the
Volsunga Saga, a prose story written in Iceland in the
1100's or 1200's. Also known as Siegfried - the hero of the Nibelungenlied,
an epic poem composed by an unknown author about A.D. 1200. >
source: IBM World Book Multimedial Enyclopedia > Volsunga
means spring in Islandic